
Roberta Metsola elected President of the European Parliament

Congratulations from President Grušas

H. E. Msgr. Gintaras Grušas, Archbishop of Vilnius and President of the Council of the European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE), congratulates Dr. Roberta Metsola on her election as President of the European Parliament.

On behalf of the European bishops, the CCEE Presidency expresses its best wishes for her new position at the service of the European House, whilst hoping that work will continue on a European project that promotes the fundamental values ​​of democracy, human dignity and equality of all European citizens, especially the most vulnerable.

In particular, in the current context of the pandemic caused by Covid-19, the European bishops declare themselves ready to collaborate with the European institutions for a just social, economic and ecclesial recovery that leaves no one behind.

The bishops are ready to face, together with European peoples and governments, the numerous daily challenges and to work for the future of the beloved Continent, remembering its Christian roots and following the exhortation of Pope Francis who invites us to work “for a new European humanism, capable of dialogue, integration and generation” so that Europe can “grow as a family of peoples, a land of peace and hope”.
