Category Archives: News

CCEE Annual Report

CCEE ANNUAL REPORT 2022-23 To download the publication (click here) 2021-22 To download the publication (click here) 2020-21 To download the publication (click here) 2019-20 To download the publication (click here) 2018-19 To download the publication (click here) 2017-18 To download the publication (click here) 2016-17 This year, the Council of the European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE) published the CCEE report and the Litterae Communionis seperately. … Continue reading CCEE Annual Report »

30.10.2017 – Our Love for the Lord Urges Us to the Proclamation of the Gospel

Our Love for the Lord Urges Us to the Proclamation of the Gospel London, Great Britain, 26-29 October 2017 They were intense days of meetings, conferences, and debates, but above all days of brotherhood and prayer, during which the bishops shared hope and suffering, projects and hardship of the Eastern Catholic Churches of Europe. …

23.10.2017 – To proclaim, know and live faith in Christ

To proclaim, know and live faith in Christ London, Great Britain, 26-29 October 2017 The annual meeting of the Eastern Catholic Bishops in Europe is to take place this year in London (Great Britain), at the invitation of His Grace Mgr Hlib Lonchyna, Bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of the Holy Family of London, on the occasion of …

19.10.2017 – Europe must be a true family of peoples

Europe must be a true family of peoples Budapest, Hungary, October 18-19, 2017 European identity, more than geographical factors, is above all a cultural identity. One of the most inspirational strengths of this culture has been and still is…

02.10.2017 – The Church loves Europe and believes in its future.

The Church loves Europe and believes in its future Minsk, Belarus, September 27 – October 1, 2017 It is with this heartfelt “confirmation of love” for the Europe of peoples and nations, and for the youth of the Continent, contained in the Final Message of the Plenary Assembly, …

23.09.2017 – Educating to the culture of the encounter

Educating to the culture of the encounter Rome, September 21-23, 2017 About fifty representatives of twenty-four Catholic Bishops’ Conferences in Europe met in Rome for a two- day meeting of dialogue and exchange of opinions with …

15.09.2017 – CCEE in Belarus to speak about young people and Europe

CCEE in Belarus to speak about young people and Europe Minsk, Belarus, 27 September – 1 October 2017 For the first time in CCEE’s history the Plenary Assembly is heading to Belarus to meet the local Catholic community and celebrate together the 750th anniversary of the first mention of the city of Minsk in …

04.07.2017 – Europe: a plural and passionate reality

Europe: a plural and passionate reality Bucharest, Romania, June 30 – July 3, 2017 Europe is today more than ever a complex reality. “Plural” Europe also includes the need to tackle challenges together. A pluralist culture strongly marked …