Category Archives: News

CCEE-CEC Joint Committee

Testimony of Our Faith in a Secularised World

In Brussels on 9-10 March 2018, members of the Council of European Episcopal Conferences (CCEE) and the Conference of European Churches (CEC) exchanged views on the theme “Witness our faith in a secularized world”. The theme directly connects with the upcoming 2018 CEC General Assembly which will take place in Novi Sad, Serbia, with the theme “You shall be my witnesses”. In the opening address … Continue reading Testimony of Our Faith in a Secularised World »


God calls everyone. Let us respond to Hope!

Congress of the National Delegates for Youth Ministry

God has a life project for everyone! Yesterday as today, Christ calls men and women to respond to their personal “call from God”. In Tirana, about fifty delegates representing their Catholic Bishops’ Conferences, coming from 17 European countries, gathered at the invitation of H. Ex. Msgr. Ottavio Vitale, Bishop of Lehzë and delegate for the vocational ministry of the Albanian Catholic Bishops’ Conference, to talk … Continue reading God calls everyone. Let us respond to Hope! »


In vocational pastoral care we do not start from scratch!

Greetings of Mgr Oscar Cantoni to the participants in the European Congress on Vocations

Opening the Congress, H.E. Mgr Oscar Cantoni, Bishop in charge of the Vocations section of the CCEE Commission Youth, recalled the aims of the meeting in Tirana “everything is aimed at helping the educators of God’s people, and therefore all pastoral workers, in suggesting the most opportune ways so that all the ordinary pastoral care of the Church underlines the vocational dimension and offers useful … Continue reading In vocational pastoral care we do not start from scratch! »


Rediscovering the irreplaceable preciousness of the Priesthood

Message from Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco to the participants in the European Congress on Vocations

“Men do not need the human qualities of the pastors, but rather the warm friendship of God who must dwell in us”, says Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, Archbishop of Genoa and President of CCEE, in a message sent to the participants of the European Congress of national delegates for the pastoral care of vocations in Tirana until next March 3rd. Recalling the situation of vocations in … Continue reading Rediscovering the irreplaceable preciousness of the Priesthood »


First Meeting of the Commission

Tirana, Albania

It is on the eve of the Congress of the Commission Vocations-EVS (European Vocations Service) on vocational pastoral care in Europe (Tirana, February 28 – March 3) that took place, this morning in Tirana, the first meeting of the CCEE Commission “Youth”. Created by the 2017 CCEE Plenary Assembly, the establishment of this new commission within CCEE testifies to the desire of the Presidents of … Continue reading First Meeting of the Commission »


In Verbo Tuo. Vocations today in Europe

Congress of the National Delegates in Tirana

The Church believes and trusts that today the Lord is still calling many people to consecrate themselves to Him and to the service of the faithful and the mission of the Church. Every era brings with it new challenges which demand careful analysis and an ability to adapt, in ways and forms, with regard, also, to the re-awakening of the vocational call and the accompaniment … Continue reading In Verbo Tuo. Vocations today in Europe »

Inter-religious Dialogue

For a mysticism of fraternity through spirituality

5th Meeting of the National Delegates for the Relatonship with Muslims in Europe

In Albania, a country that up until thirty years ago was declared an atheist State, religions today live an experience of good coexistence that gives hope to interreligious dialogue. On reaching Scutari at the invitation of the local Archbishop, Msgr. Angelo Massafra OFM, on the 25th anniversary of the historic visit of Saint John Paul II (April 1993), the national delegates for relations with Muslims … Continue reading For a mysticism of fraternity through spirituality »

Inter-religious Dialogue

Sincere faith does not divide: it unites!

Meeting of the National Delegates for the Relationship with Muslims in Europe, Scutari

A theological-spiritual reflection on Islam today and the exchange of good practices to foster relations with Muslims in Europe will be at the core of the fifth meeting of the national delegates of the Bishops’ conferences in Europe for relations with Muslims. The meeting, scheduled for this afternoon and until next Friday, takes place in Scutari (Albania) at the invitation of the local Archbishop, Mgr … Continue reading Sincere faith does not divide: it unites! »

Inter-religious Dialogue

Faith and Spirituality in Relations between Christians and Muslims

5th Meeting of the National Delegates for the Relationship with Muslims in Europe

Looking at Islam not only as a set of behavioral norms, but as a religion, with its own spirituality, its own religiosity and its own theological reflection: this is what the national delegates of the Bishops’ conferences in Europe for relations with Muslims intend to discuss in their meeting in Scutari next 7-9 February. Holding the meeting for the first time in Albania at the … Continue reading Faith and Spirituality in Relations between Christians and Muslims »