Category Archives: News

Press Release

Cancelled – The CCEE Plenary Assembly in Prague

The working sessions will take place in online mode

The CCEE Plenary Assembly, previewed from the upcoming 25 to 27 September in Prague, is now cancelled due to the deteriorating situation of infection from Covid-19 in the Czech Republic. During these hours, the daily increase in the number of people infected with Covid-19 is making it increasingly difficult to reach the city of Prague. Many European countries are imposing a quarantine on those who return from … Continue reading Cancelled – The CCEE Plenary Assembly in Prague »


An appeal from the CCEE Presidency for H. E. Mgr Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz

Since this past 31 August, H. E. Monsignor Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz, Archbishop of Minsk and President of the Belarusian Conference of Catholic Bishops, after returning from a journey to Poland where he participated in celebrations in honour of Our Lady of Częstochowa, has been prevented from returning to his country The CCEE Presidency expresses the closeness of the entire European Episcopate to Monsignor Kondrusiewicz and to … Continue reading An appeal from the CCEE Presidency for H. E. Mgr Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz »

Press Release

The Church in Europe after the Pandemic. Perspectives for Creation and Community

The CCEE Plenary Assembly in Prague from 25 to 27 September

The Annual Plenary Assembly of the Council of European Bishop’s Conferences will be held in Prague, Czech Republic, from 25 to 27 September 2020. Considering the current health regulations and the difficulty travelling from some countries due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Presidents of the National Bishop’s  Conferences that are will be unable to reach Prague, will participate via videoconference. The chosen theme for this … Continue reading The Church in Europe after the Pandemic. Perspectives for Creation and Community »

European Symposium on the Youth

Moved to 2021 the meeting in Krakow

Organised by the CCEE Youth Commission and Catechesis Section

The travel difficulties and the distance between people, due to the coronavirus pandemic, prevents the meeting taking place this year. The Symposium, entitled “Get up, Christ is calling you!“, which will be attended by delegations from all of the European Bishops’ Conferences and numerous young people, will be moved by one year: it will be celebrated from 20 to 23 October 2021, again around the … Continue reading Moved to 2021 the meeting in Krakow »

Press Release

“Let’s all work together for a recovery that leaves no one behind”

Joint meeting of the CCEE-COMECE Presidencies

The annual CCEE-COMECE Presidencies meeting was held on Wednesday, 3 June 2020 with a special focus on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the day-to-day life in the Church and European societies, as well as on the Catholic Church’s contribution to “a just recovery that leaves no-one behind”. At the centre of the debate was the situation of the Church in Europe, together with … Continue reading “Let’s all work together for a recovery that leaves no one behind” »

Mass at Casa Santa Marta

The Pope prays for Europe

May Europe be united in dream of the Founding Fathers

Pope Francis, during Mass this Wednesday in the second week of Easter Time, addresses his thoughts to Europe: “At this moment in which unity is very necessary between ourselves and between nations, we pray today for Europe, so that Europe might succeed in creating this fraternal unity dreamt of by the founding fathers of the European Union.” Here is the link to the complete article … Continue reading The Pope prays for Europe »

Press Release

Light a Candle at Easter Vigil

European Bishops invitation to hope

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life”. (John 8:12) In view of the upcoming Easter Sunday celebrations, H. Em. Card. Angelo Bagnasco and H. Em. Card. Jean-Claude Hollerich SJ, respectively President of the Council of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe (CCEE), and President of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences … Continue reading Light a Candle at Easter Vigil »