Category Archives: News

General Secretaries of the Bishops’ Conferences

Authenticity of the Church and Credibility in Her Mission starting from the Encyclical Ecclesiam Suam

The annual meeting in electronic format

Many times, we hear that the Church needs to be more credible and that if the world does not believe, it is because the Church is not credible enough. It is precisely from this conviction that the meeting of the General Secretaries of the European Bishops’ Conferences began. Two days of online meetings brought together 48 participants connected from their respective headquarters, to reflect together on … Continue reading Authenticity of the Church and Credibility in Her Mission starting from the Encyclical Ecclesiam Suam »

Social Communications Section

Pandemic and Ecclesial Communication: new pastoral challenges

Meeting of the press officers and spokespersons for the European Bishops' Conferences

48 participants from all over Europe met online for the annual meeting of the Press Officers and Spokespersons for the European Bishops’ Conferences on the theme “Pandemic and ecclesial communication: new pastoral challenges”. It was a meeting to reflect on how to live up to the challenges of this time: the digital environment, new forms of socialisation and participation, potential and critical issues for communication, … Continue reading Pandemic and Ecclesial Communication: new pastoral challenges »


Solidarity in the promotion of human dignity in the light of Fratelli tutti

Final Message of the Participants

Twenty bishops, representing the continental Bishops’ Conferences of Africa and Europe, met online for the seminar organised by the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE) and the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM). CCEE and SECAM, driven by the desire to promote effective pastoral cooperation between the episcopates of the two continents, have been organising symposia and seminars since 2004 in order … Continue reading Solidarity in the promotion of human dignity in the light of Fratelli tutti »

CCEE Presidency

Appeal to Europe for Lebanon

Together with Pope Francis we pray for the gift of peace and stability

Accepting the invitation of Pope Francis to pray for Lebanon, the CCEE Presidency, on behalf of the Bishops throughout the continent, joins “our brothers and sisters of faith and humanity in Lebanon” and invokes the gift of peace and stability together with a renewed commitment to support the Country of the Cedar. Making their own “the requests of the Assembly of Patriarchs and Catholic Bishops … Continue reading Appeal to Europe for Lebanon »

EVS - Vocations Section

The challenges of vocation ministry in Europe in the time of the pandemic

Annual meeting of the directors for vocational pastoral work

The annual conference organised by the European Vocation Service was held on 14 and 15 May. The online mode enabled some fifty delegates from twenty-two European Bishops’ Conferences to attend. The introduction to the work by H. Em. Card. Angelo Bagnasco, CCEE President, renewed the awareness of the uniqueness of each vocation and its singularity in the service of the Church. Father Valdemar Linke, a … Continue reading The challenges of vocation ministry in Europe in the time of the pandemic »

Family and Life Commission

Family: for a pastoral ministry of mission and communion

First online meeting of the Bishops and national delegates

50 participants from 28 European Bishops’ Conferences met online for the meeting of National Directors for Family and Life, organised by the CCEE’s Family and Life Commission. The meeting, which was due to take place in Vilnius in May 2020, but was cancelled due to the pandemic, was opened by greetings from H.E. Msgr Arūnas Poniškaitis, Vice President of the Family and Life Commission and … Continue reading Family: for a pastoral ministry of mission and communion »

European Youth Symposium

Postponed further, Krakow meeting to be held in 2022

Organised by the CCEE Youth Commission and the Archdiocese of Krakow

The current health situation, the persistent difficulty of moving from one country to another as well as social distancing is preventing the smooth development of the Youth Symposium. Initially programmed for 2020 after the publication of the Apostolic Exhortation Christus Vivit and in order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Saint John Paul II; then postponed until October 2021 due to the … Continue reading Postponed further, Krakow meeting to be held in 2022 »


CCEE and CEC celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Charta Œcumenica

Joint Statement from the Presidents

The “Charta Œcumenica – Guidelines for the Growing Cooperation among the Churches in Europe“, signed in 2001 by the presidents of CCEE and CEC, is a fundamental document that seeks to preserve and develop brotherhood between the European churches. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Charta, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, President of the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE), and Rev. Christian Krieger, President of … Continue reading CCEE and CEC celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Charta Œcumenica »


The Prayer of the Church for the Victims of the Pandemic

A Holy Mass of remembrance is celebrated each day during Lent

Throughout Lent, the Presidents of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe prayed for the victims of the pandemic with a special commemoration during the Eucharistic Celebrations. It was a special way for the Church to show its closeness to the victims and their families, a sign of communion and hope for the entire continent: “We, the Bishops of Europe – stated Cardinal Bagnasco, CCEE President – … Continue reading The Prayer of the Church for the Victims of the Pandemic »