Category Archives: News 2017

23.09.2017 – Educating to the culture of the encounter

Educating to the culture of the encounter Rome, September 21-23, 2017 About fifty representatives of twenty-four Catholic Bishops’ Conferences in Europe met in Rome for a two- day meeting of dialogue and exchange of opinions with …

15.09.2017 – CCEE in Belarus to speak about young people and Europe

CCEE in Belarus to speak about young people and Europe Minsk, Belarus, 27 September – 1 October 2017 For the first time in CCEE’s history the Plenary Assembly is heading to Belarus to meet the local Catholic community and celebrate together the 750th anniversary of the first mention of the city of Minsk in …

04.07.2017 – Europe: a plural and passionate reality

Europe: a plural and passionate reality Bucharest, Romania, June 30 – July 3, 2017 Europe is today more than ever a complex reality. “Plural” Europe also includes the need to tackle challenges together. A pluralist culture strongly marked …

29.06.2017 – The Church in a pluralist Europe

The Church in a pluralist Europe Bucharest, Romania, June 30 – July 3, 2017 What role for the Church in a “plural” Europe? In the current European context, marked by social, cultural, political, and economic pluralism …

13.04.2017 – Joint 2017 Easter message from the Presidents of CCEE and CEC

Joint 2017 Easter message from the Presidents of CCEE and CEC St. Gallen/Bruxelles, 13 April 2017 Christ is risen! Jesus Christ, God’s incarnate son who came to us and was killed on the cross for human sin, is risen from the dead! This is the good news of our faith we would like to share with the entire world…