Category Archives: News 2016

05.02.2016 – Letter of Cardinal Péter Erdő to Patriarch Kirill

Letter of Cardinal Péter Erdő to Patriarch Kirill St. Gallen, 5 February 2016 Having received the news of the forthcoming meeting between His Holiness Pope Francis and His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and of All Russia, Cardinal Péter Erdő wanted to express his joy at this historic meeting by sending a letter to Patriarch Kirill.The text of the letter is as follows: …

15.01.2016 – Refugee crisis in Europe: how is the Church responding?

Refugee crisis in Europe: how is the Church responding? St. Gallen/Geneva, 15 January 2016 A survey recently carried out among the European Bishops’ Conferences reveals that the Church in Europe has positively responded to the urgent needs of refugees and migrants, and to the appeal of the Holy Father to host refugees…

14.01.2016 – You Are Not Forgotten

You Are Not Forgotten Statement, 14 January 2016 As the Bishops of the Holy Land Coordination, we echo Pope Francis’ plea in his recent Encyclical Letter, Laudato Si (Praise Be to You), to remember our interdependence in an integrated world. Here in this land holy to Jews, Christians and Muslims, we have …

05.01.2016 – Alongside refugees to demonstrate God’s mercy

Alongside refugees to demonstrate God’s mercy Holy Land, 7-14 January 2016 A meeting with refugees in Jordan and those suffering in the region’s atmosphere of conflict and political and economic instability will be the focus of this year’s visit of the Holy Land Co-ordination (HLC2016)…