Category Archives: News 2016

28.09.2016 – Rediscovering the Gift of Hospitality

Rediscovering the Gift of Hospitality Madrid, Spain, 26-27 September 2016 If it is true that people know more and more about the tragedy of thousands of migrants who every day try the challenge of reaching Europe by crossing the Mediterranean Sea on dilapidated boats and the desert …

22.09.2016 – After the welcome: the challenges of integrating refugees

After the welcome: the challenges of integrating refugees Madrid, Spain, 26-27 September 2016 It is in the light of the reflection begun in recent years along with various church bodies on the Church’s response to the intense wave of migrations towards Europe, and seeking to integrate that response into the Church’s reflection …

19.09.2016 – The Christian duty to give Hope

The Christian duty to give Hope Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina, 15-18 September 2016 Mercy means not running away from pain, injustice, and the many forms of suffering of our time, but turning them into opportunities of hope and salvation through Christian love. In any work of mercy, it …

16.09.2016 – “Tell me your story”: the Mercy according Jean Vanier

“Tell me your story”: the Mercy according Jean Vanier Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina, 15-18 September 2016 “Tell me your story. Go out into the highways and byways and meet people, and they will teach you their wisdom. They will teach you also what it means to be human. Not to have more power, but to be capable…

16.09.2016 – Pope Francis: the new European humanism needs…

Pope Francis: the new European humanism needs for memory, courage, healthy, human utopia Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina, 16 September 2016 On the occasion of the CCEE Meeting on the Works of Mercy which is underway in Sarajevo, Pope Francis has addressed the participants the following message…

15.09.2016 – Mercy means witnessing to the faith through works

Mercy means witnessing to the faith through works Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina, 15-18 September 2016 The meeting on the Works of Mercy in Europe today opens this evening in Sarajevo (Bosnia Herzegovina) with the celebration of Mass presided over by the city’s Archbishop, Cardinal Vinko Puljić…

14.09.2016 – CCEE Plenary Assembly

CCEE Plenary Assembly Principality of Monaco, October 6-9, 2016 The Plenary Assembly of the Council of European Catholic Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE) will take place this year from the 6th to the 9th of October in the Principality of Monaco at the invitation of H. Ex. Msgr. Bernard Barsi, Archbishop of Monaco…

12.09.2016 – 10 years’ service to the Church in Europe

10 years’ service to the Church in Europe St. Gallen, 12 September 2016 “CCEE is not a decision-making body, nor a continental hierarchical authority. Its vocation lies in helping the exchange, dialogue and fraternity between the bishops of the Continent”. This is what Cardinal Péter Erdő, …

10.09.2016 – Meeting of the Catholic Bishops’ Conferences of Central and Eastern Europe

Meeting of Representatives of Catholic Bishops’ Conferences of Central and Eastern Europe Bratislava, Slovak Republic, September 8-9, 2016 Twenty-seven years after the fall of communist regimes, Central and Eastern Europe faces new challenges. The most serious are the crisis of the family, connected with the demographic crisis, and the crisis of faith and cultural identity…

08.09.2016 – The challenges of Mercy in Europe today

The challenges of Mercy in Europe today Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina, 15-18 September 2016 In the Year of Mercy and continuing on a journey begun with different European Catholic bodies, CCEE’s Caritas in Veritate Commission, in collaboration with the Bishops’ Conference of Bosnia Herzegovina, is organising a meeting on the urgency and topicality of the Works of Mercy in Europe today.