Category Archives: News 2016

21.11.2016 – A communication full of values

A communication full of values Glasgow, Scotland, 16-19 November 2016 All communications are always a transmission of values. Even unawaringly, when two people engage in dialogue, their speeches always contain the values that testify to…

10.11.2016 – St. Martin (316-2016)

St. Martin (316-2016) Letter of the CCEE Presidency to the Episcopate of Hungary On the occasion of the closing of the commemorative year for the 17th centenary of the birth of St. Martin (316-2016) of which the Church celebrates…

04.11.2016 – Beatification of 38 Albanian martyrs

Beatification of 38 Albanian martyrs Shkodra, November 5, 2016 Tomorrow, Saturday, November 5, in the cathedral church of Shkodra, Albania, the Church will add to the list of the Blessed the names of the 38 Albanian martyrs who…

24.10.2016 – Together we proclaim the joy of the Gospel

Together we proclaim the joy of the Gospel Lisbon-Fatima, Portugal, 20-23 October 2016 In the Catholic Church, the faithful of the Latin rite as well as the faithful of the Oriental Catholic Churches are always at home wherever they are on the European continent. They are…

17.10.2016 – The pastoral care of Eastern Catholic migrants in Western countries

The pastoral care of Eastern Catholic migrants in Western countries Shrine of Fatima, Portugal, 20-23 October 2016 The annual meeting of the Bishops of the Catholic Eastern Rite Churches in Europe is taking place this year at Fatima (Portugal), at the invitation of the Patriarch of Lisbon, Cardinal Manuel Clemente, President of the Portuguese Bishops’ Conference…

10.10.2016 – Evangelizing Europe

Evangelizing Europe Principality of Monaco, October 6-9, 2016 The annual meeting of the CCEE, celebrating this year its forty-fifth anniversary, was held in the Principality of Monaco on the invitation of its local Archbishop, Msgr. Bernard Barsi…