Category Archives: News 2014

29.03.2014 – ‘Joie de vivre’: what is it really?

‘Joie de vivre’: what is it really? Tirana, Albania, 23-25 March 2014 March 23 through 25 Tirana (Albania) hosted a meeting of the delegates of University ministry in Europe, organized by the CCEE Catechesis, School and University (University Section) Commission on the theme “Joie de vivre : what is it really?”…

19.03.2014 – The joy of living

The joy of living Tirana, Albania, 23-25 March 2014 About thirty national delegates for university pastoral work from Europe’s Bishops’ Conferences and European church bodies will meet in Tirana (Albania) from the evening of Sunday 23 to the morning of 26 March…

10.03.2014 – Europe’s children speak to Pope Francis

Europe’s children speak to Pope Francis Trieste, Italy, 14 March 2014 Within the framework of a conference on A European and Christian Moldova little Vasile, ambassador of children on the margins of Europe, will tell his story and that of his meeting with Pope Francis on 4 September last year.

07.03.2014 – The Challenges of the family

The Challenges of the family Warsaw, Poland, 6-7 March 2014 22 years after the collapse of communist regimes, the situation is particularly complex, and some common challenges are to be faced. The participants introduced the current situation of the family…

24.01.2014 – Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 24 January 2014 To mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (18-25 January 2014), the Presidency of the Council of European Episcopal Conferences (CCEE), meeting in Genoa (Italy), has addressed an appeal to European Christians to work for a common witness in the various sectors of society.

16.01.2014 – Bishops call for leaders of hope

Bishops call for leaders of hope 16 January 2014 As bishops from Europe, South Africa and North America we came to the Holy Land to pray with and support the Christian community and the cause of peace. In Gaza…

10.01.2014 – Supporting Christians in the Holy Land

Supporting Christians in the Holy Land 11-16 January 2014 Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Bethlehem and Gaza are some of the cities which will be the focus of the annual visit of the Holy Land Co-ordination, the delegation of bishops…

03.01.2014 – Europe at St. Gallen

Europe at St. Gallen St. Gallen, Switzerland, 7 January 2014 Mgr Aldo Giordano, former CCEE General Secretary (1995-2008) and the Holy See’s Permanent Observer to the Council of Europe at Strasbourg, has been consecrated Archbishop and appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Venezuela. Before crossing …