Category Archives: Archive

Plenary Assembly/1

Europe, time to wake up? The signs of Hope

3-6 October, Santiago de Compostela

The annual CCEE Plenary Assembly began yesterday in Santiago de Compostela and opened with the invitation from Pope Francis “to live these days as a journey, aimed at identifying the signs of hope that you find in Europe today”. In the message that he sent to the members of the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences Pope Francis recalled that love “is the greatest antidote to … Continue reading Europe, time to wake up? The signs of Hope »

Eastern Catholic Church

The Ecumenical Mission of the Eastern Catholic Church of Europe Today

Meeting of the Eastern Catholic Bishops of Europe

From 12 to 14 September the annual meeting of the Eastern Catholic Bishops of Europe took place at the Ukrainian College of St Josaphat in Rome. At the conference, organized by the CCEE and the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, entitled: “The ecumenical mission of the Eastern Catholic Churches of Europe today”, almost 70 Bishops participated, as well as representatives of the Eastern European Catholic Churches. The … Continue reading The Ecumenical Mission of the Eastern Catholic Church of Europe Today »

Press Release

Season of Creation 2019 – The Network of Life

Joint statement issued by Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, President of CCEE, and Rev. Christian Krieger, President of CEC

1 August 2019 Since it has become a fruitful tradition between the Christian Churches in Europe – the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE) and the Conferences of European Churches (CEC) – they are uniting once again this year in one voice to re-affirm responsibility for creation and issue an invitation to prayer.  The Season of Creation, from 1 September until 4 October, is a … Continue reading Season of Creation 2019 – The Network of Life »

The work of the Plenary in Kampala

SECAM 50th Anniversary

H. Em. the Cardinal Philippe Ouédraogo elected new President

More than 500 Cardinals, Bishops and prominent delegates from all over Africa met, from the 20 to 29 July, in Kampala, Uganda for their Plenary Assembly entitled: “Church – Family of God in Africa, Celebrate Your Jubilee! Proclaim Jesus Christ Your Saviour”. The meeting, which takes place every 3 years, was particularly significant because this year marks the 50th anniversary of the birth of SECAM … Continue reading SECAM 50th Anniversary »

The Annual Meeting of the General Secretaries

The Hierarchical and Charismatic Dimensions in the Church

St. Mary's College Oscott, Birmingham

The 47th meeting of the General Secretaries of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe took place from 1 to 4 July in Birmingham. The Rector and seminarians of St. Mary’s College Oscott in Birmingham welcomed the 40 participants from 27 Episcopal Conferences, precisely on the day when Pope Francis announced the date of canonization of the Blessed Card. John Henry Newman who received his Confirmation there … Continue reading The Hierarchical and Charismatic Dimensions in the Church »

Social Communication Section

Communication in Crisis Situations

Meeting of the Press Officers and Spokespersons of Bishops' Conferences of Europe

How do we deal with and communicate a crisis situation? Are there standard strategies? What is the role of the Press Office? These are some of the questions that opened the annual meeting of the Press Officers and Spokespersons of the Episcopal Conferences of Europe. 53 participants, coming from 27 European countries, arrived in Malta from 17 to 19 June to discuss important issues related … Continue reading Communication in Crisis Situations »

Press Release

Towards a Conversion of Lifestyle

Second European Reflection Day on Laudato Si’

Four years after Pope Francis’ Encyclical letter on the “care for our common home”, representatives of European Bishops’ Conferences, as well as Catholic organisations and movements, held in Brussels the Second European Laudato Si’ Reflection Day on Wednesday 12 June 2019. At the core of the event, a call on Catholics and all people of good will to carry out a lifestyle conversion to answer … Continue reading Towards a Conversion of Lifestyle »

EVS - Vocations Section

Vocations: Listen to God who asks something more!

The Annual Meeting and the Audience with Pope Francis

50 delegates from 22 European countries met in Rome, from 4 to 7 June, to attend the annual meeting for the heads of the vocations ministry of the Bishops´ Conferences of Europe which was entitled: “They spoke to each other of all the things that had happened ”(Lk 24,14). Questions and perspectives after the Synod. Three days of prayer, testimonies and reflections on the vocation … Continue reading Vocations: Listen to God who asks something more! »

Press Release

New Website Online

CCEE News, Information and Events in Real Time

On the occasion of the 53rd World Social Communications Day, a new version of the website for the Council of the European Bishops´ Conferences has been published, It has been a project of graphic redesigning and architecture oriented towards simplicity and accessibility. In the design and access of the information it guarantees users to find what they are looking for quickly. In accordance with … Continue reading New Website Online »

Catechesis Section

Annual Meeting of the National Delegates for Catechesis

Rome, 18-20 March 2019

The meeting of the national delegates for Catechesis took place in Rome this year from 18 to 20 March at the headquarters of the Italian Bishops Conference. This meeting, which saw the participation of over 40 Bishops and delegates representing the Bishops´ Conferences of Europe, was opened with a greeting from H. E. Mgr. Đuro Hranić, head of the Catechesis Section for the Evangelisation and … Continue reading Annual Meeting of the National Delegates for Catechesis »