Category Archives: Archive

The secretariat

The Secretariat The CCEE Secretariat is based in St. Gallen (Switzerland) and serves the Plenary Assembly, the Presidency and the Presidents of the CCEE Commissions. The Secretariat is composed of a General Secretary, appointed by the Plenary Assembly for a renewable five-year term; a Deputy General Secretary appointed by the Presidency, a Media officer and some collaborators. The Secretariat works according to the directives of … Continue reading The secretariat »

The Presidency

The Presidency The President and the Vice-Presidents are elected by the Plenary Assembly of CCEE among the presidents of the Bishops’ Conferences for a renewable five-year term. Members of the Presidency can be contacted directly through the CCEE Secretariat. The current Presidency (elected in 2016) is composed of:   {loadposition Presidency} List of former CCEE Presidents: His Eminence Cardinal Roger Etchegaray (France, 1971-1979) His Eminence … Continue reading The Presidency »


Members The Council of European Bishops’ Conferences has 39 members, including 33 Bishops Conferences, the Archbishops of Luxembourg, of the Principality of Monaco, the Maronite Archbishop of Cyprus, the Bishop of Chişinău (Moldova), the Eparchial Bishop of Mukachevo and the Apostolic Administrator of Estonia. {loadposition map} ALBANIA                                                  Albanian Bishops’ Conference        Konferenca Ipeshkvore Shqiptare AUSTRIA                                                  Austrian Bishops’ Conference         Österreichische Bischofskonferenz BELARUS Belarusian Bishops’ Conference Канферэнцыя Каталіцкіх … Continue reading Members »

CCEE | Presentation

Presentation   The Council of Bishops’ Conferences of Europe (CCEE) is made up of thirty-nine members, of which thirty-three are Bishops’ Conferences, the Archbishops of Luxembourg, the Principality of Monaco, the Maronite Archbishop of Cyprus and the Bishops of Chişinău (Moldova) of the Mukachevo Eparchy and the Apostolic Administration of Estonia; all together they represent the Catholic Church in forty-five countries in the European continent. … Continue reading CCEE | Presentation »

2014 – Meeting of the Bishops in charge of Social Communications

Communication as an encounter, between authenticity and concreteness Meeting of the Bishops in charge of Social Communications Athens, Greece, 3-5 November 2014 The meeting is organised by CCEE Commission for Social Communications lead by H.E. Mgr José Ignacio Munilla Aguirre, Bishop of San Sebastian (Spain). Participants are the Bishops in charge of Social Communication within their Bishops’ Conferences together with their experts. This year’s meeting … Continue reading 2014 – Meeting of the Bishops in charge of Social Communications »

2014 – IV European Meeting on Youth Ministry

IV European Meeting on Youth Ministry Rome, Italy, 11-13 December 2014 The IV European Meeting on Youth Ministry is organized by the Pontifical Council for Laity (PCL) in cooperation with CCEE. Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko, President of the PCL, and Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, Vice President of CCEE will open the meeting on Thursday, December 11. CCEE will be also represented by his Deputy Secretary General, Don … Continue reading 2014 – IV European Meeting on Youth Ministry »

2014 – IV European Orthodox-Catholic Forum

Religion and cultural diversity: challenges for the Christian Churches in Europe IV European Orthodox-Catholic Forum Minsk, Belarus, 2-6 June 2014 The First European Orthodox-Catholic Forum took place in 2008 (11-14 December) in Trent in Italy on the theme The family: a good for humanity; the Second European Orthodox-Catholic Forum took place on Rhodes, Greece, in 2010 (18-22 October) on the theme Church-State relations, and the … Continue reading 2014 – IV European Orthodox-Catholic Forum »