Category Archives: Archive

Annual Meetings

Annual Meetings In the course of the year CCEE organizes numerous meetings in which the Church makes its contribution in the European continent. There are three meetings in particular which take place each year: The Plenary Assembly, which brings together the Presidents of the 33 CCEE member Bishops’ Conferences, the Archbishops of Luxembourg, of the Principality of Monaco, the Maronite Archbishop of Cyprus, the Bishop … Continue reading Annual Meetings »

CCEE work

CCEE Work CCEE is at the service of the Church in Europe to promote collaboration and effective communion between the continent’s Bishops and Bishops’ Conferences. CCEE is committed to the New Evangelisation and offers its own support in all areas where the Church is involved in this mission. Through its service, CCEE brings together all the representatives of the Church in Europe and encourages all … Continue reading CCEE work »

Contact Form

Contact us If you have any general inquiries related to the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE), please fill the form below. If you have any media inquiry or related to the website please send an email to   {rsform 3}  

Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki, Vice-President

Vice-President Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki Vice-President Bishop Stanisław Gądecki, was born on 19th October 1949 in Strzelno (Archdiocese of Gniezno). After completing philosophical and theological studies at the Seminary of Gniezno, he was ordained as a priest on June 9, 1973, and he was incardinated there. He studied the Sacred Scriptures, obtaining a license to the Biblicum in Rome and Jerusalem and the Doctorate at the … Continue reading Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki, Vice-President »

Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Vice-President

Vice-President Cardinal Vincent Nichols Vice-President His Eminence Vincent Nichols is the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster. Born in Crosby, Liverpool, on 8 November 1945, Cardinal Nichols was ordained to the priesthood in Rome on 21 December 1969.

Vice Secretary General

Vice Secretary General Antonio Ammirati The Vice Secretary General Father Antonio Ammirati (born on May 19, 1974), ordained priest on April 17, 1999 for the Archdiocese of Crotone – Santa Severina in the Italian Region of Calabria, former Secretary General of his diocesan curia, is a TV director, journalist, and author.

Martina Repele

Martina Repele Martina Repele Martina Repele (Arzignano, 18 March 1992), after final examinations at the socio-psycho-pedagogical high school Don Giuseppe Fogazzaro in Vicenza. 

Fr András Héray FSO

Fr András Héray FSO Fr András Héray FSO Fr András Héray FSO, educated at the Benedictine secondary school in Győr, from 1990-1995, then studied at the Faculty of Transportation Engineering at Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

Nora Salaorni

Nora Salaorni Nora Salaorni Nora Salaorni, following secondary school studies in St Gallen, did an apprenticeship as a “Selbstandige Träuhanderin” at the fiduciary Office of Revidas A.G in St Gallen.

Barbara Kupiec

Barbara Kupiec Barbara Kupiec Barbara Kupiec, after final examinations at secondary school in Cracow, studied Philosophy at The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, during which she did one year (2009/2010) at Università degli Studi di Trento in Italy.