Category Archives: Archive

Social Communication

Social Communications is a mean to build bridges and strengthen relations between people and communities. It is also a decisive element of our culture to which the Church is very attentive so as to contribute to the reflection on how life is changing but also to encourage the constructive use of the various media.

The Safeguard of Creation

Environmental issues seen according to Christian faith and the mission God entrusted to mankind as steward of all His creation, have been on the agenda of the Churches in Europe for a number of years.


The issue of migration has been on the agenda of the Churches in Europe for a number of years. A great number of meetings have been held in order to compare experiences, inform Christian communities and appeal both to the public opinion and politicians.

Legal Affairs

A Europe of rights has become in the last decades more and more important in the life of each single country and of each Bishops’ Conference of the Continent.

Inter-religious Dialogue

The ongoing wave of migrations along with the progressive multi-cultural nature of European society make a permanent and intense dialogue with the representatives of other religions necessary.

Holy Land

The situation of Christians in Holy Land is a matter of concern for Bishops and the entire Church in Europe, as is the situation of the Christians of Middle East. Europe is not only historically connected to the Cradle of Christianity, but is also profoundly united to that region today.

Religious freedom

CCEE is conscious of the situation of Christians in Europe and the need to defend the moral and ethical values which are at the root of our culture. Through various meetings CCEE promotes a profound reflection on the situation of these Christians and the need to enhance the presence of religion in the public sphere.


The family is the basic unit of Society and the Catholic Church has good news for the family. However this area is subject to many challenges, especially in Europe.

Faith and Charity

The relationship between faith, charity and evangelisation; the role of the bishops and the faithful, as main protagonists in the pastoral work of charity which goes beyond the response to an immediate need, but offers above all a welcoming community in which lies a testimony to faith in that Jesus who was born poor for the poor..


The history of the European Continent has always been linked to that of the African Continent.