Category Archives: Archive


A network of the national directors or centres for Vocations of special consecration has been in existence since 1999 (European Vocations Service – EVS) and became a commission of CCEE in 2006. Since 2012 it is known in CCEE as Commission for Vocations.


CCEE has a specific section of the Commission “Catechesis, School and University” dedicated to pastoral care in Universities; Dialogue between faith and reason and the roots of our culture.


Pastoral care in schools, the teaching of Catholic religion and Catholic schools represent a very rich expression – albeit a diverse one – of a great tradition. A Specific Section of the Commission ´Catechesis, School and University´ deals with these questions. 


On of the urgent and of particular interest field of work for the  CCEE is the search for the unity of the Church through the promotion of encounters and friendships between people of other Christian confessions. Since its inception, the CCEE has committed itself to a continuous collaboration with the KEK (Conference of European Churches). In recent years, through the Global Christian Forum, with the … Continue reading Ecumenism »

Catholic Eastern Rite Churches

Within the Catholic Church there are particular Churches called sui iuris Churches or Rites. These are in full communion with the Church of Rome but distinguished from the Latin Catholic Church by their different forms of liturgical worship and popular devotion, sacramental (administration of the sacraments) and canonical (juridical norms) disciplines, terminology and theological traditions. 


The Bishops are primarily responsible for teaching the faith. Catechesis is one of the most important dimensions of a Bishop’s mission…


The Church in Europe has the task of announcing Jesus Christ to Young People and offering them not only answers to their questions about existence, but also places where to meet People of faith and to experience the life in abundance Christ has won for us.

Religious Education

Religious Education in schools – Catholic and State-owned – represents a very important item in the mission of the Church and in building a stronger European multiculturality.

Social Matters

Social pastoral care of the Church is probably what identifies the Church most for the majority of European citizens. The social dimension of the work of the Church inspired by her social doctrine is in fact part of her mission to proclaim the Gospel throughout the world. It’s a question of evangelisation.