Category Archives: Archive

2016 – Meeting of the Secretaries General of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe

Meeting of the Secretaries General of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe Berlin, Germany 30 June – 03 July 2016   Theme Year of Mercy – Experiences of Solidarity Venue Hotel Aquino Tagungszentrum Katholische Akademie Hannoversche Straße 5b 10115 Berlin-Mitte {loadposition event-secretaries-2016} Ressources On the occasion of the 44th Meeting of the General Secretaries of the Bishops’ Conferences in Europe (Berlin, Germany, June 30-July 3) … Continue reading 2016 – Meeting of the Secretaries General of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe »

2016 – Seminar on the Encyclical Laudato Si’ and the Paris Climate Conference (COP21)

Seminar on the Encyclical Laudato Si’ and the Paris Climate Conference (COP21) Rome, 4 May 2016 – Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, Auditorium Minor Meeting open to the public (morning session) The meeting is organized by the Section “Safegard of Creation” of the CCEE Commission Caritas in veritate, led by H.E. Mgr. Giampaolo Crepaldi. In the afternoon, the delegate of Europe’s Bishops Conferences will gather to exchange … Continue reading 2016 – Seminar on the Encyclical Laudato Si’ and the Paris Climate Conference (COP21) »

2016 – European Meeting on the occasion of the year of Mercy

European Meeting on the occasion of the year of Mercy Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 15-18 September 2016 “It is my burning desire that, during this Jubilee, the Christian people may reflect on the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. It will be a way to reawaken our conscience, too often grown dull in the face of poverty. And let us enter more deeply into the heart of … Continue reading 2016 – European Meeting on the occasion of the year of Mercy »

2016 – Meeting of the Bishops responsible for Social Communications within the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe

Meeting of the Bishops responsible for Social Communications within the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe Glasgow, Scotland, 17-19 November 2016 The meeting of the Bishops responsible for Social Communications will overlap in part with that of the Media Officers and Spokespersons of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe. Theme Topical issues and possible synergies related to the field of communication.

2016 – Meeting of the Bishops of the Catholic Eastern Rite Churches in Europe

Meeting of the Bishops of the Catholic Eastern Rite Churches in Europe Fátima, Portugal, 20-23 October 2016 The meeting is organized annually by one of the Catholic Eastern Rite Churches present in Europe. Since 2009, CCEE has given its support to this meeting of bishops of Catholic Eastern Rite Churches in Europe. This year the meeting will take place in Portugal. Within the Catholic Church … Continue reading 2016 – Meeting of the Bishops of the Catholic Eastern Rite Churches in Europe »

2018 – Episcopal collaboration between Africa and Europe

  Episcopal collaboration between Africa and Europe CCEE – SECAM Seminar for bishops Fatima, Portugal, 12-15 April 2018 After the Congress organised by CCEE and SECAM (Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar) held in Rome in 2012, the reflection on important pastoral issues for Africa and Europe continues with study seminars which involves about ten bishops from Europe and the African continent.  Theme … Continue reading 2018 – Episcopal collaboration between Africa and Europe »

2016 – Visit of European, North American and South African Bishops to the Holy Land

Visit of European, North American and South African Bishops to the Holy Land Holy Land, 07-14 January 2016 The Holy Land Coordination is a group of largely European and North American (USA and Canada) and South African bishops who annually visit places in the Holy Land to express the support of the Catholic Church in Europe and North America for the Catholic Church and Christians … Continue reading 2016 – Visit of European, North American and South African Bishops to the Holy Land »

2015 – Media Training

CCEE Media Training Madrid, Spain, 9-12 December  2015 CCEE organize for the first time a Media Training for the Bishops in Europe. The meeting will be held behind closed doors. Bishops interested to participare are kindly requested to contact CCEE Secretariat.