Category Archives: Archive

Inter-religious Dialogue

Faith and Spirituality in Relations between Christians and Muslims

5th Meeting of the National Delegates for the Relationship with Muslims in Europe

Looking at Islam not only as a set of behavioral norms, but as a religion, with its own spirituality, its own religiosity and its own theological reflection: this is what the national delegates of the Bishops’ conferences in Europe for relations with Muslims intend to discuss in their meeting in Scutari next 7-9 February. Holding the meeting for the first time in Albania at the … Continue reading Faith and Spirituality in Relations between Christians and Muslims »

2018 – Meeting of the CCEE Commission Evangelisation and Culture

Meeting of the CCEE Commission Evangelisation and Culture Riga, Latvia, 15 March 2018   The meeting of the CCEE Commission Evangelisation and Culture will take place from 14 to 16 March in Riga (Latvia). The meeting will be presided over by the President of the Commission, the Archbishop of Riga (Latvia), H. E. Mgr Zbignevs Stankevics, and will start with an evaluation of the work … Continue reading 2018 – Meeting of the CCEE Commission Evangelisation and Culture »

2018 – Meeting of the Commission Youth of CCEE

Meeting of the Commission Youth of CCEE Tirana, Albania, 27 February 2018   The meeting of the Commission Youth of CCEE will take place on February 27 in Tirana (Albania). The meeting will be presided over by the President of the Commission, the Archbishop of Luxembourg, H. E. Mgr Jean-Claude Hollerich, and will start with an evaluation of the work carried out in previous years. … Continue reading 2018 – Meeting of the Commission Youth of CCEE »

Holy Land

Hope for a better future

Final Communique from the Coordination for the Holy Land

We have come to the Holy Land to meet its youth, listen to their voices, and pray for justice and peace. Despite the continuing destructive conflict and the divisive approach of so many in power, our faith in God gives hope for the better future sought by young people here. Over the past week we have witnessed and heard of their struggle to build this … Continue reading Hope for a better future »


Joint Message from the Presidents of CCEE and of CEC

Week of Prayer for the Unity of Christians 2018

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, “Your right hand, O Lord, glorious in power…” (Ex 15:6a) is the theme chosen for this year’s celebration of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. It reminds us that it is the Lord who rules the world and history, and who has a plan (Eph 1:3-10) of hope for humanity. To bear witness to Christian hope in a … Continue reading Joint Message from the Presidents of CCEE and of CEC »

Holy Land

Starting again from education to cultivate a future of peace

European, North American and South African Bishops in Jerusalem for the Annual Meeting HLC2018

This year’s Holy Land Co-ordination (HLC2018), the annual meeting of European, North American and South African Bishops, which, since the 1990s, has been undertaking an annual visit to the various Christian communities present in the Holy Land, is to begin in Jerusalem. A common thread running throughout the visit is this year’s theme of education, with a series of meetings and visits of an educational … Continue reading Starting again from education to cultivate a future of peace »