Author: sEEd_aDm_wP

2015 – Meeting of the bishops and the delegates in charge of relationships with Muslims in Europe

Meeting of the bishops and the delegates in charge of relationships with Muslims in Europe St.Maurice, Switzerland, 13-15 May 2015 After the meetings in Bordeaux (2009), Turin (2011), and London (2013), the 2015 meeting of those responsible for dialogue with Muslims in Europe will take place in St. Maurice (Switzerland). The meeting, which usually see the participation of the President of the Vatican dicastery for … Continue reading 2015 – Meeting of the bishops and the delegates in charge of relationships with Muslims in Europe »

05.2015 – For a Europe of Freedom

For a Europe of Freedom Rome, Italy, 06-08 May 2015 The CEC-CCEE Joint Committee annual meeting took place in Rome from 6 to 8 May at the invitation of Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, President of the Italian Bishops Conference and CCEE Vice President.

Special Relations

Special Relationships The CCEE collaborates with the Holy See and other episcopal bodies to strengthen the communion among the Bishops of the world who are committed to the ecclesial mission entrusted to them. Among the continental episcopal organizations: SECAM-SCEAM in Africa, CELAM in Latin America, FABC in the Asian continent and FCBCO in Oceania; The COMECE, ie the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the … Continue reading Special Relations »

Annual Meetings

REGULAR Meetings During the year, the CCEE organises various meetings, four of which are held regularly on a yearly basis: The Plenary Assembly, which brings together the Presidents of the thirty-three Bishops’ Conferences, the Archbishops of Luxembourg and the Principality of Monaco, the Maronite Archbishop of Cyprus, the Bishops of Chişinău (Moldavia), the Eparchy of Mukachevo and the Apostolic Administration of Estonia. The meeting of … Continue reading Annual Meetings »


Commissions “The Plenary Assembly nominates or establishes delegates or permanent commissions so that they might examine permanently matters relating to a particular kind of problem or a particular position of people; the Presidency can set up commissions ad tempus” (CCEE Statutes). Through its Commissions, CCEE organizes various meetings which translate into real and effective collaboration of the particular churches where this collaboration reveals itself to … Continue reading Commissions »


A network of the national directors or centres for Vocations of special consecration has been in existence since 1999 (European Vocations Service – EVS) and became a commission of CCEE in 2006. Since 2012 it is known in CCEE as Commission for Vocations.


CCEE has a specific section of the Commission “Catechesis, School and University” dedicated to pastoral care in Universities; Dialogue between faith and reason and the roots of our culture.