Author: sEEd_aDm_wP

2016 – Encounter and hope

Encounter and hope The European Bishops and the challenges of the time and humanity’s expectations 2006-2016

28.09.2016 – Rediscovering the Gift of Hospitality

Rediscovering the Gift of Hospitality Madrid, Spain, 26-27 September 2016 If it is true that people know more and more about the tragedy of thousands of migrants who every day try the challenge of reaching Europe by crossing the Mediterranean Sea on dilapidated boats and the desert …

2017 – Visit of European, North American and South African Bishops to the Holy Land

Visit of European, North American and South African Bishops to the Holy Land Holy Land, 14-19 January 2017   The Holy Land Co-ordination, comprising bishops coming from the whole of Europe, North America and South Africa, was established at the end of the 20th century at the invitation of the Holy See with the aim of visiting and supporting the Holy Land’s local Christian communities. … Continue reading 2017 – Visit of European, North American and South African Bishops to the Holy Land »

2017 – V European Catholic-Orthodox Forum

V European Catholic-Orthodox Forum Paris, France, 9-12 January 2017   This is the fifth edition of the Forum which will see the participation of 12 representatives from the Orthodox Churches in Europe and 12 delegates from the Catholic Church. Theme “Europe in fear of the threat from fundamentalist terrorism and the value of human person and religious freedom” Programme The programmme is available in EN … Continue reading 2017 – V European Catholic-Orthodox Forum »

2016 – Meeting of the delegates in charge of the “Migration” within the Bishops’ Conferences in Europe

Meeting of the delegates in charge of the “Migration” within the Bishops’ Conferences in Europe Madrid, Spain, 26-27 September 2016   The meeting is organized by the Section “Migration” of the CCEE Commission Caritas in veritate, led by H.Em. Card. Josip Bozanic.   Theme Challenge of Mercy: Welcoming and integration of refugees and migrants. Dialogue and Charity Programme The programmme of the meeting is available … Continue reading 2016 – Meeting of the delegates in charge of the “Migration” within the Bishops’ Conferences in Europe »

22.09.2016 – After the welcome: the challenges of integrating refugees

After the welcome: the challenges of integrating refugees Madrid, Spain, 26-27 September 2016 It is in the light of the reflection begun in recent years along with various church bodies on the Church’s response to the intense wave of migrations towards Europe, and seeking to integrate that response into the Church’s reflection …

19.09.2016 – The Christian duty to give Hope

The Christian duty to give Hope Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina, 15-18 September 2016 Mercy means not running away from pain, injustice, and the many forms of suffering of our time, but turning them into opportunities of hope and salvation through Christian love. In any work of mercy, it …

16.09.2016 – “Tell me your story”: the Mercy according Jean Vanier

“Tell me your story”: the Mercy according Jean Vanier Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina, 15-18 September 2016 “Tell me your story. Go out into the highways and byways and meet people, and they will teach you their wisdom. They will teach you also what it means to be human. Not to have more power, but to be capable…

16.09.2016 – Pope Francis: the new European humanism needs…

Pope Francis: the new European humanism needs for memory, courage, healthy, human utopia Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina, 16 September 2016 On the occasion of the CCEE Meeting on the Works of Mercy which is underway in Sarajevo, Pope Francis has addressed the participants the following message…

15.09.2016 – Mercy means witnessing to the faith through works

Mercy means witnessing to the faith through works Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina, 15-18 September 2016 The meeting on the Works of Mercy in Europe today opens this evening in Sarajevo (Bosnia Herzegovina) with the celebration of Mass presided over by the city’s Archbishop, Cardinal Vinko Puljić…