Author: sEEd_aDm_wP

2017 – Meeting of the persons responsible of the Bishops’ Conferences in Europe for the pastoral care of migrants

Meeting of the persons responsible of the Bishops’ Conferences in Europe for the pastoral care of migrants Rome, 21-23 September 2017 On Friday, September 22, Pope Francis will receive in audience the persons in charge for the pastoral care of migrants of the Bishops’ Conferences. In Rome, the national responsible of the Bishops’ Conferences and the sub-secretaries for the “Migrants and Refugees” section of the … Continue reading 2017 – Meeting of the persons responsible of the Bishops’ Conferences in Europe for the pastoral care of migrants »

2017 – Symposium on the accompaniment of young people today

CCEE Symposium on the accompaniment of young people today Barcelona, Spain, 28-31 March 2017 The aim of the 2017 Symposium is to seek ways of engaging with and confronting the current situation in Europe as we accompany young people. Theme HE WALKED BY THEIR SIDE (Lc 24,15) Accompanying young people to freely respond to Christ’s call Official Website For further information concerning the Symposim (Programme, … Continue reading 2017 – Symposium on the accompaniment of young people today »

2017 – Meeting of the CCEE-CEC Joint Committee

Meeting of the CCEE-CEC Joint Committee Paris, France, 20-21 February 2017 This is an annual meeting which was first held in 1972. The participants are the Presidencies of CCEE and CEC (Conference of European Churches, the body which brings together a majority of the other Christian Churches on the continent). There are 14 members of the Joint Committee (7 per organisation). Theme Future perspectives of … Continue reading 2017 – Meeting of the CCEE-CEC Joint Committee »

19.01.2017 – Fifty years of occupation demands action

Fifty years of occupation demands action 14-19 January 2017 We all have a responsibility to oppose the construction of settlements. This de facto annexation of land not only undermines the rights of Palestinians in …

18.01.2017 – “Reconciliation – the love of Christ compels us”

“Reconciliation – the love of Christ compels us” St. Gallen (Switzerland)/Bruxelles (Belgium), 18 January 2017 The multiple crises facing Europe and its neighbours bind us still more closely together. War and conflict, political uncertainty, migration and ecological challenges, material …

09.01.2017 – Holy Land Co-ordination 2017

Holy Land Co-ordination 2017 14-19 January 2017 Following on from the HLC2016 meeting with refugees in Jordan, the annual meeting of the Holy Land Co-ordination (HLC2017) will begin on Saturday 14 January, the eve of the World Day of Migrants and Refugees, with…