Religious Freedom
CCEE is conscious of the situation of Christians in Europe and the need to defend the moral and ethical values which are at the root of our culture. Through various meetings CCEE promotes a profound reflection on the situation of these Christians and the need to enhance the presence of religion in the public sphere.
Along with representatives of other religions and the different European institutions, CCEE promotes the importance of Christian values and works to protect the religious freedom of Christian communities, encouraging the joyful witness of Christians on the Continent.
In addition, CCEE collaborates closely with the Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in Europe, which each year presents a report to the CCEE Plenary Assembly. The report describes various acts of intolerance and discrimination suffered by groups of Christians on the Continent.
Below is a collection of documents, meetings and press releases relating to the theme of Freedom of Religion.

- 2018
- ecumenism
- holy-land-statements-and-news
- religious-freedom
CCEE-CEC Joint Committee asks for the respect of the Status Quo in Jerusalem
Letter of Support from Christian Leaders
Following the meeting of the members of the CCEE-CEC Joint…

- 2017
- faith-and-charity
- legal-matters
- migrations
- religious-freedom
- social-pastoral
04.07.2017 – Europe: a plural and passionate reality
Europe: a plural and passionate reality Bucharest, Romania, June 30…

- 2017
- faith-and-charity
- legal-matters
- migrations
- religious-freedom
- social-pastoral
29.06.2017 – The Church in a pluralist Europe
The Church in a pluralist Europe Bucharest, Romania, June 30…

- 2017
- faith-and-charity
- religious-freedom
- young-people
23.06.2017 – The CCEE Presidency in Vilnius for the Beatification of Theophilus Matulionis
The CCEE Presidency in Vilnius for the Beatification of the…

- 2017
- ecumenism
- religious-freedom
22.02.2017 – Together to witness Christ in Europe
Together to witness Christ in Europe: CCEE-CEC Joint Committee meets…

- 2017
- ecumenism
- faith-and-charity
- holy-land-statements-and-news
- inter-religious-dialogue
- migrations
- peace
- religious-freedom
09.01.2017 – Holy Land Co-ordination 2017
Holy Land Co-ordination 2017 14-19 January 2017 Following on from…

- 2017
- ecumenism
- faith-and-charity
- inter-religious-dialogue
- religious-freedom
13.01.2017 – “Take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16: 33)
Fifth European Orthodox-Catholic Forum Paris, France, 9-12 January 2017 The…

- 2017
- ecumenism
- faith-and-charity
- inter-religious-dialogue
- religious-freedom
05.01.2017 – Europe and the fundamentalist terrorism, the human person and the religious freedom
V European Orthodox-Catholic Forum Paris, France, 9-12 January 2017 The…

- 2016
- ecumenism
- faith-and-charity
- religious-freedom
04.11.2016 – Beatification of 38 Albanian martyrs
Beatification of 38 Albanian martyrs Shkodra, November 5, 2016 Tomorrow,…

- 2016
- ecumenism
- migrations
- religious-freedom
24.10.2016 – Together we proclaim the joy of the Gospel
Together we proclaim the joy of the Gospel Lisbon-Fatima, Portugal,…