Category Archives: Social Communications

Social Communication Section

The Church and the challenge of Artificial Intelligence

The Press officers and spokespersons meet in Cyprus

The annual meeting of the press officers and spokespersons of the European Bishops’ Conferences was held in Cyprus from 24 to 26 May. This year’s theme was “The Church and the Challenge of Artificial Intelligence”. Alongside the main theme, there are two issues that are also deeply touching the life of the Church: the tenth anniversary of Pope Francis’ pontificate, an anniversary that requires a … Continue reading The Church and the challenge of Artificial Intelligence »

Social Communications Section

The commitment to peace and the synodal path: what Europe are we striving for?

Meeting of the Press Officers and Spokespersons of the European Bishops’ Conferences

The annual meeting of the Press Officers and Spokespersons of the European Bishops’ Conferences was held in Tirana from 9 to 11 June. At the heart of the proceedings was “the commitment to peace and the synodal path”: together reflecting on the challenges facing the Church due to the conflict in Ukraine and in the light of the Synodal path initiated by Pope Francis. Welcoming … Continue reading The commitment to peace and the synodal path: what Europe are we striving for? »

Social Communications Section

Pandemic and Ecclesial Communication: new pastoral challenges

Meeting of the press officers and spokespersons for the European Bishops' Conferences

48 participants from all over Europe met online for the annual meeting of the Press Officers and Spokespersons for the European Bishops’ Conferences on the theme “Pandemic and ecclesial communication: new pastoral challenges”. It was a meeting to reflect on how to live up to the challenges of this time: the digital environment, new forms of socialisation and participation, potential and critical issues for communication, … Continue reading Pandemic and Ecclesial Communication: new pastoral challenges »

Social Communication Section

Communication in Crisis Situations

Meeting of the Press Officers and Spokespersons of Bishops' Conferences of Europe

How do we deal with and communicate a crisis situation? Are there standard strategies? What is the role of the Press Office? These are some of the questions that opened the annual meeting of the Press Officers and Spokespersons of the Episcopal Conferences of Europe. 53 participants, coming from 27 European countries, arrived in Malta from 17 to 19 June to discuss important issues related … Continue reading Communication in Crisis Situations »

Press Release

In continuity with the Synod, a new European symposium on the youth

Krakow 20-23 October 2020

From Thursday 7th to Saturday 9th March the joint meeting of the national delegates for Youth Ministry and Universities of the European Bishops´ Council was held at the headquarters of the Italian Bishops´ Conference. Organised by the Secretariat and by the Youth Commission of the CCEE, this meeting saw the participation of over 50 delegates and appointed representatives of two of the sections of this … Continue reading In continuity with the Synod, a new European symposium on the youth »

Social Communication

Social Communication is a mean to build bridges and strengthen relations between people and communities. It is also a decisive element of our culture to which the Church is very attentive so as to contribute to the reflection on how life is changing but also to encourage the constructive use of the various media. ➢ Since the nineteen-seventies CCEE has incorporated a Commission for Social … Continue reading Social Communication »

Press Officers and Spokepersons

Communicating Christ in Europe

The Annual Meeting in Rome

The annual meeting of the Media Officers and Spokespersons of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe took place this year in Rome, at the invitation of the Italian Bishops’ Conference. The meetings with Pope Francis on the occasion of the Wednesday General Audience and subsequently with various people within the Dicastery for Social Communications (Press Office, Theological-Pastoral Department, etc.) were at the heart of the meeting. … Continue reading Communicating Christ in Europe »

2016 – Meeting of the Bishops responsible for Social Communications within the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe

Meeting of the Bishops responsible for Social Communications within the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe Glasgow, Scotland, 17-19 November 2016 The meeting of the Bishops responsible for Social Communications will overlap in part with that of the Media Officers and Spokespersons of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe. Theme Topical issues and possible synergies related to the field of communication.

2015 – Media Training

CCEE Media Training Madrid, Spain, 9-12 December  2015 CCEE organize for the first time a Media Training for the Bishops in Europe. The meeting will be held behind closed doors. Bishops interested to participare are kindly requested to contact CCEE Secretariat.  

2014 – Meeting of the Bishops in charge of Social Communications

Communication as an encounter, between authenticity and concreteness Meeting of the Bishops in charge of Social Communications Athens, Greece, 3-5 November 2014 The meeting is organised by CCEE Commission for Social Communications lead by H.E. Mgr José Ignacio Munilla Aguirre, Bishop of San Sebastian (Spain). Participants are the Bishops in charge of Social Communication within their Bishops’ Conferences together with their experts. This year’s meeting … Continue reading 2014 – Meeting of the Bishops in charge of Social Communications »