Interreligious Dialogue Section

Interreligious Dialogue: the horizon of fraternity and the ways of religious education

The online meeting of the Bishops and National Delegates

The webinar of the CCEE Interreligious Dialogue Section took place yesterday, 5 November, entitled: “Interreligious Dialogue: the horizon of fraternity and the ways of religious education”. At the online meeting, that was originally supposed to take place in Sarajevo from 21 to 23 April 2020 and postponed due to the coronavirus, was participated in by 37 Bishops and National Delegates. Ad aprire i lavori è … Continue reading Interreligious Dialogue: the horizon of fraternity and the ways of religious education »

Catechesis Section

Presentation of the new Directory for Catechesis

The online meeting of Bishops and those responsible for catechesis from the European Bishops' Conferences

The meeting of the CCEE Catechesis Section, which was held by videoconference on the morning of Wednesday 14 October 2020, had as its theme the presentation of the new Universal Directory for Catechesis. 27 Bishops and National Directors, responsible for the catechesis of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe, met online to reflect on the effects and challenges that the new Directory will bring to pastoral … Continue reading Presentation of the new Directory for Catechesis »

European Symposium on the Youth

Moved to 2021 the meeting in Krakow

Organised by the CCEE Youth Commission and Catechesis Section

The travel difficulties and the distance between people, due to the coronavirus pandemic, prevents the meeting taking place this year. The Symposium, entitled “Get up, Christ is calling you!“, which will be attended by delegations from all of the European Bishops’ Conferences and numerous young people, will be moved by one year: it will be celebrated from 20 to 23 October 2021, again around the … Continue reading Moved to 2021 the meeting in Krakow »

European Symposium on the Youth

Get up, Christ is calling you!

Christus Vivit in Europe

From 20 to 23 October 2020, the European Symposium on the proclamation of the faith, organised by the Youth Commission and the Catechesis Section of the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE), will be held in Krakow, at the Shrine of St John Paul II. In view of the Symposium, a preparatory conference was held in recent days at the Archbishopric of Krakow, attended by … Continue reading Get up, Christ is calling you! »

Social Communication Section

Communication in Crisis Situations

Meeting of the Press Officers and Spokespersons of Bishops' Conferences of Europe

How do we deal with and communicate a crisis situation? Are there standard strategies? What is the role of the Press Office? These are some of the questions that opened the annual meeting of the Press Officers and Spokespersons of the Episcopal Conferences of Europe. 53 participants, coming from 27 European countries, arrived in Malta from 17 to 19 June to discuss important issues related … Continue reading Communication in Crisis Situations »

Catechesis Section

Annual Meeting of the National Delegates for Catechesis

Rome, 18-20 March 2019

The meeting of the national delegates for Catechesis took place in Rome this year from 18 to 20 March at the headquarters of the Italian Bishops Conference. This meeting, which saw the participation of over 40 Bishops and delegates representing the Bishops´ Conferences of Europe, was opened with a greeting from H. E. Mgr. Đuro Hranić, head of the Catechesis Section for the Evangelisation and … Continue reading Annual Meeting of the National Delegates for Catechesis »

Press Release

In continuity with the Synod, a new European symposium on the youth

Krakow 20-23 October 2020

From Thursday 7th to Saturday 9th March the joint meeting of the national delegates for Youth Ministry and Universities of the European Bishops´ Council was held at the headquarters of the Italian Bishops´ Conference. Organised by the Secretariat and by the Youth Commission of the CCEE, this meeting saw the participation of over 50 delegates and appointed representatives of two of the sections of this … Continue reading In continuity with the Synod, a new European symposium on the youth »

Social Communication

Social Communication is a mean to build bridges and strengthen relations between people and communities. It is also a decisive element of our culture to which the Church is very attentive so as to contribute to the reflection on how life is changing but also to encourage the constructive use of the various media. ➢ Since the nineteen-seventies CCEE has incorporated a Commission for Social … Continue reading Social Communication »

Interreligious Dialogue

The ongoing wave of migrations along with the progressive multi-cultural nature of European society make a permanent and intense dialogue with the representatives of other religions necessary. In this sphere CCEE promotes and supports various meetings with those responsible in the Bishops’ Conferences for dialogue with Muslims, with the aim of promoting a more profound awareness of the challenges which the presence of other Muslims … Continue reading Interreligious Dialogue »


The Bishops are primarily responsible for teaching the faith. Catechesis is one of the most important dimensions of a Bishop’s mission, namely: To awaken in the human heart the great questions and the religious sense (first announcement); To proclaim Jesus Christ, the son of God made man, who died for the sins of humanity and the Risen One; To confirm the faithful in the faith; … Continue reading Catechesis »