Catechesis Section

Synodality Formation in Catechesis

Meeting of the National Directors

On 24 April 2024, the Catechesis Section of the CCEE Evangelisation and Culture Commission organised a webinar for the national directors from the European countries entitled: Synodality Formation in Catechesis. The event was attended by 35 delegates from 23 European Bishops’ Conferences. Among the participants were H.E. Msgr. Zbigņevs Stankevičs, President of the Evangelisation and Culture Commission, H.E. Msgr. Duro Hranić, Head of the Catechesis … Continue reading Synodality Formation in Catechesis »

Interreligious Dialogue Section

Interreligious Dialogue in Europe, Prospects and Possibilities

Among the topics of discussion were the spread of Islam, but also dialogue with Buddhism and Hinduism

The Section for Interreligious Dialogue of the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences met in Paris from 13 to 15 September 2023. In three sessions, those responsible for interreligious dialogue within the various European Bishops’ Conferences were able to discuss different experiences of dialogue, with a particular focus on that with the Islamic world, but also with sessions devoted to dialogue with Buddhism and that with … Continue reading Interreligious Dialogue in Europe, Prospects and Possibilities »

Social Communication Section

The Church and the challenge of Artificial Intelligence

The Press officers and spokespersons meet in Cyprus

The annual meeting of the press officers and spokespersons of the European Bishops’ Conferences was held in Cyprus from 24 to 26 May. This year’s theme was “The Church and the Challenge of Artificial Intelligence”. Alongside the main theme, there are two issues that are also deeply touching the life of the Church: the tenth anniversary of Pope Francis’ pontificate, an anniversary that requires a … Continue reading The Church and the challenge of Artificial Intelligence »


The parish community as a place of the culture of encounter and encounter with culture

The meeting of the National Directors

From 25 to 27 April 2023, the annual meeting of the CCEE National Directors for Catechesis took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The theme of the meeting, which was attended by 26 participants, including bishops and national delegates from 20 European countries, was “The parish community as a place of the culture of encounter and encounter with culture”. Among the participants were H.E. Msgr. Gintaras Grušas, … Continue reading The parish community as a place of the culture of encounter and encounter with culture »

Social Communications Section

The commitment to peace and the synodal path: what Europe are we striving for?

Meeting of the Press Officers and Spokespersons of the European Bishops’ Conferences

The annual meeting of the Press Officers and Spokespersons of the European Bishops’ Conferences was held in Tirana from 9 to 11 June. At the heart of the proceedings was “the commitment to peace and the synodal path”: together reflecting on the challenges facing the Church due to the conflict in Ukraine and in the light of the Synodal path initiated by Pope Francis. Welcoming … Continue reading The commitment to peace and the synodal path: what Europe are we striving for? »

Catechesis Section

Impart what you have heard from me to those who can teach

Meeting of national directors for catechesis

From 28 to 30 April, the national directors and delegates for catechesis met in Malta at the Dar il-Hanin Samaritan centre. After two years of online meetings, finally, the delegates of the European Bishops’ Conferences, working in the field of catechesis, were able to meet in person. H. E. Msgr Gintaras Grušas, Archbishop of Vilnius and CCEE President, opened the meeting by expressing “our first … Continue reading Impart what you have heard from me to those who can teach »

Interreligious Dialogue Section

Islam and religious pluralism in Europe

The online meeting of the Bishops and National Delegates

On the morning of 15 February 2022, the study seminar promoted by the Section for Interreligious Dialogue of the CCEE Evangelisation and Culture Commission took place. The seminar was opened by H.E. Msgr Gintaras Grušas, CCEE President and H.E. Msgr Zhibgvnes Stankevics, President of the Commission for Evangelisation and Culture. The seminar focused on two topics: Islam in Europe between Inclusion and Exclusion, developed from … Continue reading Islam and religious pluralism in Europe »

European Youth Symposium

On 18 November 2021, the online preparatory meeting

The organisational phase resumes after the stop caused by Covid

From 20 to 23 October 2022, the European symposium on the proclamation of faith will be held in Krakow at the Sanctuary of St. John Paul II, organised by the Youth Commission and the Catechesis Section of the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE) and by the Archdiocese of Krakow. It will be the evangelical image of the story of the blind Bartimaeus, narrated in … Continue reading On 18 November 2021, the online preparatory meeting »

Social Communications Section

Pandemic and Ecclesial Communication: new pastoral challenges

Meeting of the press officers and spokespersons for the European Bishops' Conferences

48 participants from all over Europe met online for the annual meeting of the Press Officers and Spokespersons for the European Bishops’ Conferences on the theme “Pandemic and ecclesial communication: new pastoral challenges”. It was a meeting to reflect on how to live up to the challenges of this time: the digital environment, new forms of socialisation and participation, potential and critical issues for communication, … Continue reading Pandemic and Ecclesial Communication: new pastoral challenges »

European Youth Symposium

Postponed further, Krakow meeting to be held in 2022

Organised by the CCEE Youth Commission and the Archdiocese of Krakow

The current health situation, the persistent difficulty of moving from one country to another as well as social distancing is preventing the smooth development of the Youth Symposium. Initially programmed for 2020 after the publication of the Apostolic Exhortation Christus Vivit and in order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Saint John Paul II; then postponed until October 2021 due to the … Continue reading Postponed further, Krakow meeting to be held in 2022 »