Workshop for the European Participants at the Synod of Bishops


29 - 31 Aug 2024
Tutto il giorno

Event type:

Meeting venue: Private Catholic University of Linz

The aim of the meeting is to dialogue together as representatives of the local Churches in Europe on the basis of the new Instrumentum Laboris and to exchange views on synodality, mission and the future of the Church in Europe

Organising Committee
Dr. Ladislav Nemet, SVD, Archbishop of Belgrade, CCEE Vice-President
Prof. Dr. Christoph Theobald, SJ, Expert on the Synod, Systematic Theology
Prof Dr. Klara A. Csiszar, Expert on the Synod,  Pastoral Theology
Prof Dr. Myriam Wijlens, Expert on the Synod, Canon Law

For questions or further information, please contact Klara A. Csiszar, Dean of the Faculty of Theology: