2015 – Meeting of the Joint CCEE-CEC Committee

Meeting of the Joint CCEE-CEC Committee

Rome, Italy, 6-8 May 2015

This is an annual meeting which was first held in 1972. The participants are the Presidencies of CCEE and CEC (Conference of European Churches, the body which brings together a majority of the other Christian Churches on the continent). There are 14 members of the Joint Committee (7 per organisation).


Freedom and freedoms: A Christian approach


Italian Bishops’ Conference – Rome


Rt Rev. Christopher Hill, DD, KCVO, President of CEC
Very Rev. Karin Burstrand, Church of Sweden, CEC Vice-President
Metropolitan Emmanuel of France, Greek-Orthodox Metropolitan of France (Exarchate of the Ecumenical Patriarchate), CEC Vice-President
Rev. Adriana Florea, Evangelical Church A.B. in Romania
Rev. Silke Tosch, Union of Evangelical Free Churches in Germany
Metropolitan Joseph, Metropolitan Romanian Orthodox Church of Western and Southern Europe
Rev. Archimandrite Ignatios Sotiriadis, Church of Greece

Rev. Guy Liagre, CEC General Secretary

Cardinal Péter Erdő, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest, President of CCEE
Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, Archbishop of Genoa, CCEE Vice-President
His Grace Mgr Angelo Massafra (OFM), Archbishop of Shkodrë-Pult, CCEE Vice-President
His Grace Mgr Ján Babjak (S.J.), Archbishop of Prešov
His Grace Mgr Roland Minnerath, Archbishop of Dijon
His Grace Mgr Kevin McDonald, Archbishop Emeritus of Southwark
Fr Patrick Daly, General Secretary of Comece

Mgr Duarte da Cunha, CCEE General Secretary

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Informations for the Journalists

1. The meeting will be behind closed doors. A news release will be published at the end of the meeting.

2. The CCEE-CEC Message for Europe Day will be presented at a news conference on Friday 8 May at 1200 in the Sala Marconi at Radio Vaticana (Piazza Pia 3 – Rome). There will be interventions from Cardinal Péter Erdő, CCEE President, and Bishop Christopher Hill, CEC President. (Italian-English transation confirmed). Journalists are kindly requested to apply for accreditation by completing the short form and sending it the following address:

3. The Joint Committee
The Committee, established in 1972, has the task of supervising co-operation between CEC and CCEE. It includes the General Secretaries of the two bodies and seven members from CEC and seven members appointed by CCEE.
For further information please contact:
Erin Green
CEC Communication Coordinator
Tel: +32 2 234 68 42
e-mail: eeg@cec-kek.be

Thierry Bonaventura
CCEE Media Officer
Tel. +41 71 227 6044, cell. +41 79 12 80 189
e-mail bonaventura@ccee.eu



Addresses of CCEE and CEC President (ENIT)
Address of Pope Francis (Only Italian)
Paper of Bishop Angelo Massafra (Only Italian)

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